Beast’s Betrayal: The Gods’ Lands Trilogy, Book 2 by Dean Kayler
Hunted by his enemies to the ends of the earth,
will his friends be enough to protect him?
Or will they be his downfall?
Tala’Keahi once lived a happy life of peace and plenty. Now, there’s nothing but danger.
Against all odds, he has escaped the Fire country and made it into the Light lands. But he is far from free. There is nowhere in the world he will be safe, nowhere he won’t be hunted. He has to keep moving, keep hiding, with no end in sight. And after the disastrous events of Southtown, that will be harder than ever. Far removed from the only life he has ever known, Tala struggles every day just to survive, with no hope of escape. At least he isn’t alone. Some of the most dangerous people in the world are dedicated to keeping him alive, and they have succeeded so far.
To Anderas Anto, Fire’s Favorite Son, events are unfolding better than he had ever hoped. Tala’s ingenuity in Southtown threw the world into chaos and gave Anderas the perfect opportunity to make things worse without incurring even a flicker of suspicion onto himself. But even as war grows and his plans unfold, not all news is good. Rumors have reached his ears about impossible events, and Anderas is no stranger to nightmares.
As Tala continues to struggle for survival, he finds that life on the run isn’t all bad. He always wanted to see more of the world, and has his new friends to help him. He’s even grown closer to the enigmatic Serala. As bad as things are, they really could be worse. So why are they taking unnecessary risks like going to the Jungle? And why is Vail the one pushing them to it?
Genre: Fantasy Fantasy
#Epic #Sword-Sorcery
Book Length: 320-650 Pages