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"Make All Your Dreams Come True in 3 Minutes," is a micro-book that is about using Imagination to Create your Reality. It only takes three minutes to envision your Desire using your Imagination to make your wish come true. This is a quick read, and a quick read is a great read. Goldwell has excluded all the fluff and focused on the "essence of the essence" of using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. Essence: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character: the essence of a thing is its nature. As soon as you have finished reading this book, you will be able to begin using the Law of Attraction to manifest your Desires. You can start realizing the reality of your dreams today. For those who understand the power of the Law of Attraction and how to use their Imagination to envision their desires. Some have gone as far as to say that using the Law of Attraction has changed their life in just 24 hours. The Secret is in knowing exactly how to use Imagination to envision having your Desire right now, not at some future time. This is the essence of the book. For people who have tried using the Law of Attraction before and failed, this micro-book is a solution to help them become successful in manifesting their wishes and desires. If you are one of those many who have been unsuccessful at manifesting your desires, what have you got to lose? Goldwell has priced this eBook to make it affordable to everyone, even though the information shared is "priceless." Do you know what the “law of expectancy” is and how to invoke it? The law of expectation means thatyou eventually get what you expect. Essentially the law of expectation means that you eventually get what you expect. This can be either negative or positive. You'll have a bad day if you expect to have a bad day. Using the Law of Attraction, people have manifested such things as the following: Winning the lottery. Acquiring a new home. Finding the love of their life. Getting a new job. Acquiring a raise in salary. And so much more. What is it worth to you to have the ability to manifest your desires? If you do NOT discover what it is that is stopping you from manifesting your dreams, you will be exactly where you are right now in a year, two years, and even five years. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You must change your mindset. You must change your habits. You must change your belief system. You must change how you use your imagination to envision what you want in life. Claim your copy today and begin manifesting the life you have always dreamed of. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your life will never be the same again. What are you waiting for?
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